Program: Interreg Europe
Implementation period: 2024 - 2028
Objective: The project aims to bring together the municipal and corporate sectors / private economic players to achieve sustainability goals.
Partners: Gyulafehérvár Önkormányzata (RO); EDC Debrecen Nonp. Kft. (HU); BURST Nonp. Kft. (HU); Kekava Helyi Önkormányzat (LV); Északi Fejlesztési Ügynökség - DAN (HR); Milánó Önkormányzata (IT); Hannut Városa (BE); Liège-i Egyetem (BE), Kisinyov Város Önkormányzata ( Megfigyelő partner(MD))
Implementation period: 2024-2027
Objective: The NATURGO project promotes understanding of the role of local governments in urban water management using nature-based solutions.
Programme: Scalable Cities Action Grant
Implementation period: 2024 - 2025
Objective: Creating a positive-energy living laboratory (model building: Arany János Kindergarten), to explore how the kindergarten and its surroundings can be transformed into a positive-energy urban district.
Partners: ABUD Mérnökiroda Kft. (Lead partner), EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Kft., Debreceni Városüzemeltető Kft.
Implementation period: 2022-2023
Objective: The overall project goal is to ensure a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable district heating supply in the city of Debrecen through long-term improvements along the whole value chain. Four different project elements have been identified to achieve this objective by reducing heat demand and heat losses and increasing the share of renewable energy sources by 15 % in the district heating network.
Output: Investment Concept in the topic of Sustainable development of district heating system in Debrecen, supported by EUCF
Partners: Municipality of Debrecen, Debrecen Heat Supply Inc., Debrecen Waterworks Inc.,EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center
Programme: JPI Urban Europe
Year of joining: 2022
ObjectiveThe aim of the partnership is to effectively address the challenges of the energy crisis and sustainable development through cooperation between cities and to contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal and the EU Urban Agenda by helping cities to participate in Research and Innovation (R&I) development programs. Learning and adopting good practices from countries participating in the partnership.
Partners: Municipality of Debrecen, Debreceni Intézményműködtető Központ, EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center
Implementation period: 2023
Objective: Participation in the PSF programme aims to provide Debrecen with technical expert assistance in implementing its climate adaptation efforts. During a one-year implementation period, a pilot project has been developed to reduce the number of illegal connections to the wastewater system and to reduce the amount of stormwater run-off and related awareness raising.
Output: Distribution of 485 rainwater harvesting barrels for public use with the support of local businesses (CSR)
Partners: Municipality of Debrecen, Debrecen Waterworks Inc.,EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center
Implementation period: 2022-2023
Objective: The purpose of the project is to facilitate and promote international cooperation on sustainable urban development between the CITY of Hermosillo in the Country of Mexico and the CITY of Debrecen in the Country of Hungary. The focus areas of the cooperation are Natured-based solutions – greening – water management and Circular Economy and waste management.
Output: The transfer of good practices took place through a study visit to Mexico and Debrecen, as well as webinars and other conferences in Europe and overseas.
Partners: the city of Hermosillo (MEX) and the city of Debrecen (HUN)
Programme: EIT Urban Mobility
Implementation period: 2020
Objective: Mobility Challenges Programme to avoid COVID19 contagions and development of healthier and safer routes.
Output: Development and testing of the Cyclogreen application
Partners: UPC Technology Center, Barcelona Metropolitan Area , CARNET Future Mobility Reserach Hub, Zone Cluster Nonprofit Ltd, Moven, Ciclogreen Move And Win, Lobelia Earth S.L (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute sub-contactor), EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center
Program: Interreg Europe
Implementation period: 2019 - 2023
Objective: Providing regional policies on protection and promotion of natural heritage in peri-urban areas
Results in numbers: 18 good practices; 5 local action plans
Partners: Municipality of Reggio Emilia (IT) – Lead Partner; Research Centre on Animal Production (CRPA) (IT); City of Ghent (BE); EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center (HU); Municipality Aristoteli Chalkidikis (GR); Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) (BE); Municipality of Varberg (SE)
Programme: URBACT III
Implementation period: 2019 - 2022
Objective: Promoting sustainable and people-centred mobility in urban areas by focusing on economic and social aspects.
-On Car Free Day 2021, a small-scale pilot action was carried out to demonstrate the alternative use of public spaces by motorists
- The Debrecen Integrated Action Plan is ready
-Online and face-to-face partner meetings to pass on good practices
Partners: Lead Partner: Municipality of Parma (IT); Municipality of Igoumenista (GR); Municipality of Santo Tirso (P); City of Klaipeda (LT); Municipality of Nova Gorica (SL); EDC Debrecen Nonprofit Kft. (HU); Oradea Metropolitan Region (RO); Sothwark, London (EN); City of Antwerp (B)
Year of joining: 2019
Objective: Participation in the Culture, Digital, Environment, Mobility and Social Affairs Forums and related working groups
Number of delegates (municipal and city institutions): 16
Programme: URBACT III
Implementation period: 2018-2021
Objective: Transferring best practices of Groningen related to internationalization
1. Development of website,
2. Establishment of Welcoming policy for the internationals and the approval by the Municipality of Debrecen
3. Debrecen was chosen as one of the 17 best supported cities for transferring of the good practice
Partners: Groningen (Hollandia), Biielsko Biala (Lengyelország), Debrecen (Magyarország) Leuven (Belgium), Magdeburg (Németország), Párma (Olaszország), Zlín (Csehország)
Year of joining: 2017
The city of Debrecen joined to the European Covenant of Mayors in 2017.
Publications, documents signatory/20364#actionPlansAndProgress